Thursday, December 15, 2005

So We Discussed...

Was at my first Liberal Democrat gathering following this weeks news of attempted leadership coups, the Edinburgh Council Groups Jazz Reception. Did we discuss potential leaders to follow Charles Kennedy? No!

What we did discuss was how we can move the party on from our good performance in 2005 to make the most of the Scottish parliament and Council votes in Edinbught, Lothian and Scotland in 2007.

OK there was the occasional sentance about the weeks events but there was no forming of rival camps, no lobbying for potential leaders later this year. No there were far more important things open for discussion and so these were discussed:

Mobilisation of non-activists.

Organising across constituency boundaries for the new Multi-Member wards.

How Lib Dems strive for gender balance against David Cameron's grand scheme.

So any flies on the wall would have had a boring night of gettting what they expected all told.

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