Friday, October 16, 2009

Corporate Sports Decathalon Ball

I'm all dressed up, bowtie, cufflinks, wing collared shirt, dinner jacket, the works ready to head back into Edinburgh to attend the Activity Mix Edinburgh Corporate Decathlon Sports Ball. This year the nice people who ran this actually put I sport into the mix I actually have rather a lot of trophies and medals in, and can still compete.

So here's a picture of me in action at Dean Bowling Club in July when we got through to the 3rd/4th play off. We only missed out on third spot when my last two bowls were just wide and tight of the line I needed to draw in. My weight was perfect. Hope that bowls is back again next year.

So as a result I'll not be online this evening, but it any of you are coming to help Fred Mackintosh for the Edinburgh South Action Day I'll see you then.

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