Friday, August 08, 2008

It must be Thrusday

Never could get the hang of Thursdays. But this is particularly bad one as it is in fact Friday but not according to poor old Lib Dem Blogs.......and Ryan Cullen must be having a bit of a mare this morning. As you can see Lib Dem blogs is currently last updated on Thursday. But not yesterday for this particular Thursday was in fact the 1 January 1970 before I could walk, talk or blog. Now while some of my fellow Lib Dem bloggers were capable of the first two none of them were doing the third and many more hadn't even contemplated the possibility of doing the first two or breathing for that matter.

Anyhoo hope Ryan isn't too hapless in getting this sorted out again soon.

Update no sooner posted than corrected. Round of applause for the Hapless band after all.

1 comment:

Jock Coats said...

Ah yes! The beginning of the epoch.


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