Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sending Willie Rennie to Westminster

Considering all the anxiety and press coverage the party has had over the last 24 hours it was good to forget it all by getting out to Dunfermline and West Fife to do some serious campaigning. I now know that I've delivered over 1000 leaflet in four different constituencies in the last 12 months.

The feeling on the street is that the people of the constituency know exactly who it is that is the real challenge to Labour and they are not being fooled by SNP lies about what the Scottish Liberal Democrats do not stand for. Willie's message is clear and direct and from report backs from canvassing is having an effect. Willie is being seen by many as the only candidate who can stand up for people against the £4 Bridge tool and stand up for their local services.

Many people have already been to help but with many more we can assure that the next MP for Dunfermline and West Fife is Willie Rennie.

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