Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Maybe No Dusty Bin but 3-2-1

Earlier today Sally Bercow tweeted this

It got me thinking what would have been the five cryptic clues that Ted Rogers would have read out on the show 3-2-1 for the five Labour Leadership contenders.

For younger readers 3-2-1 was a Saturday evening entertainment/quiz show by Yorkshire Television which had sketches intermingled with cryptic clues for contestants to try and guess what prizes they were. One of the prizes was Dusty Bin for which the contestants actually got a new bin and a small souvenir version.

So here are my set of clues can you tell who is who:

I'm off to the races and that suits me fine
But this two horse race needs a new winner this time.
I'll energetically bring about change
My words once laid out the Scottish range.

I've jumped to the challenge since I was born
But Swedish robes have my reputation torn
Some call me tasteless, but net beware
Our kids are best under two parent care.

I'm no coach potato any day of the week
I'm the first or so my tutor might speak.
Some Finns aren't so white I learnt to my cost
My child will be educated bugger the cost.

My ancestry is an important part of who I am
But I do with education is like American.
Though not with the Tracey's international rescue
Grey matter was the porn writer's 'hey you!'.

JFK was a way to help with my studies
But my family and animals is part of the stories.
It's good to talk but not always while driving
But second homes really ought to be in the West Riding.

I'll give you the answers tomorrow.

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