Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fringe Review: Marcus Brigstocke - God Collared #edfringe

Richey Hall, Assembly 20:40

It wasn't until I started to hear Marcus speak for this long on a religious theme that I realised just how much he sounds like the Rev. Steve Chalke, Baptist Pastor and often TV Godspot personage. I recall me and my friend Rob performing a skit about Chalkie in front off him in Nurneburg in 1992. But I digress.

As the title of the show suggests Marcus does indeed talk about one of those things you shouldn't talk about, religion, and does so more or less for the entire set. For the more sensitive among you look away now.

He has a go at all belief systems especially atheists and worshipers of the iPhone. For Richard Dawkins whose book The God Delusion is on the stage he gives the following review:

"When I started reading it I was an atheist when I finished I was agnostic."

Oh but don't think because you're agnostic that you are going get away from Brigstocke's tongue lashings, oh no. For most of you he says you haven't done enough research, which clearly he himself has as the content of the show bears out.

But he meanders through the various belief systems use of buses, the Humanist's with their "There is probably no god" slogan, the Christian response and the muslims.....yeah we all groaned at the third one too, at least once everyone caught up.

Brigstocke manages to lead us through his theme though linking comedy, with tragedy. With personal familial anecdotes as well as observation. If you are of faith, of none or just not sure you'll still laugh even when the humour is directed at you.

I know this is a popular show and close to, if not already sold out. But if you have a ticket, hold unto it, not like Callum Leslie who decided to drop his in the already tight gap between shows requiring search and recover, and enjoy the show. Though as it is premiering in Edinburgh you may catch it around the country later.

UPDATE: Damn you Marcus Brigstocke! I didn't sing "I am C., I am a C.H. I am a C.H.R.I.S.T.I.A.N." at all last night. But haven't been able to get it out of my head since I wrote this review.

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