Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Empty Handed Promises of 'God' to Kingdom Voter

"I've shaken the hand of God," was the ironic shout of one Glenrothes supporter yesterday. As The Ego that is the First Minister appeared temporarily to be uplifted to deity. For later Edward Houston explained his acclamation of meeting divinity by saying to waiting journalists:

"I won't be voting for the SNP - everything they say is a promise but it will
never happen."

For yesterday was the day that both Salmond and Brown, that's Sarah not Gordon, hit the campaign trail in the Kingdom of Fife.

Sarah was shepherded into a very heavily pebble-dashed, Labour supporting street in Cardenden to do a hard day's work on a whole nine doorsteps. The people of Glenrothes will be spared Mrs Moira Salmond coming to their door though. The First Minister confessed when asked that, "Moira takes the view that one deity politician in the family is more than enough."

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