Friday, February 03, 2006

The Best Candidate: Willie Rennie

There was excellent press coverage of yesterday's events in the Dunfermline and West Fife by-election. The Times even said what we already knew on the ground that most people agree that Willie Rennie, the Liberal Democrat, is the best candidate in this by-election.

The message is getting out and there are too many people that I have meet over the last few weeks to name them all here. But more and more people are coming to offer what time they have. Next friday we could have our 63rd MP in place. If can get up to Dunfermline come the atmosphere is great as Lib Dems from all corners of the country are entusiastically doing whatever they can and whatever needs to be done.

If you can't come please make a donation to Lord Rennard's appeal, he is seeking to raise £10,000 by Sunday evening for the final push and we are already 2/3rds of the way there.

Whatever you can do make sure that Dunfermline gets the best person representing them after Thursday. Help send Willie to Westminster.

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