Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fringe Review - A Slice of Saturday Night #edfringe

The Space @ The Royal College of Surgeons (no more 16:45 slices remaining)

Well it is Saturday night, or at least early evening when I finally catch my slice of Saturday Night, by the Why Not Musical Theatre Company.. As the audience walk I'm greeted by a frozen cast tableaux one of whom has his trousers down by his ankles revelling his Union Jack boxers, only once we are all seated does the music begin and the cast all complete preparations for their night at Club a-Go-Go.

But when they get going you are toe-tapping along with them intermingled with an hilarious mix of lyrics from the Heather Brothers. If you ever wanted to hear a song about premature ejaculation song with total professionalism and comic expression and timing, amongst other teenage angst, this young production certainly shine. There is the hesitancy of shy love, the over confidence that a girlfriend will forgive all indiscretions and the bravado that one can pull any girl 'even frigid Brigid'.

Of course while the boys are over compensating for lack of wham bam thank you ma'am, the girls are trying to appear more innocent than they are. But they can rely on Eric de Vene their host to help out his regulars with some advise, if not always sound. Advise for the guys on how to cope with tenting in the groin through dance steps, or that the best way to keep the girl is the 'pork pie'.

All to glorious music the tunes of which are strangely familiarish but the lyrics most certainly are not. Or at least not when you first hear them, me I'm still humming them.

However, no matter how much you like this review sadly I was one of those indulging in the last Slice of Saturday Night for this fringe. But I will be looking out for their future productions. If they are of this standard I'll be back.

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