Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fringe Review: Daniel Sloss -Teenage Kicks #edfringe

Pleasance 10 Dome 19:00

When you turn up to stand up with someone who knows the talent the safest place to be is cowering in the corner. So last night when Callum and I turned up to seen the teenage comic we obviously chose the sensible option and sat front and centre under the mike stand, after all what is the point of stand up if the comic doesn't engage you directly.

Don't be put off by Daniel's age. Obviously has he says his reminiscences are confined and he can't boast of his sexual conquests of women half his age but that doesn't mean that there isn't material to fill the hour; and what good material it is. He bounces, shuffles and runs through a string of material, of life for a teenager, both on the stand up circuit and in Fife. All good stuff, even defending his picture of Fife being rough against claims that St. Andrew's is in Fife and therefore posh. Yes he says there 'they beat you up with golf clubs instead of scaffolding poles'.

The laughs do come think and fast as did the audience engagement. We counted at least 10 people directly drawn in to the humour. Of course when he launched into bowlers I did heckle, he'd already established I was old, merely getting older and now but my 30 year on again, off again bowling career down to a mid-life crisis.

Yeah he tells one wank joke, but as he says he's a teenager and the show is an hour long what did we expect. He's already a 2 year veteran on the circuit but there will be a bright future for him. There are still tickets for some of the remaining shows he told up later. If you haven't already try and get along and experience teenage live, you own, your kid's as well as Daniel's through the masterful comedic phrasing and physicality that is Daniel Sloss.

You know at this stage I wish I'd started to issue star ratings at the start, but I haven't so just go. You know you want to.

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