Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's Thursday*, It's ITV1, It's Top of the Pops

May not sound right but Top of the Pops may well be returning to our screens. But expect adverts to break into the countdown of the top tunes on the week as the plan is bring it back to ITV.

The saviour of the show that was ripped from the air in 2006 after 42 years on the BBC may well be Simon Cowell who is looking to buy the rights to TOTP. Saying "I would rather it came to us than just sit in the dustbin". Watch out 3-2-1 you may be next so Simon can find a nice Dusty Bin in which to place TOTP.

In 2006 there was uproar from people that TOTP was pulled, even though many of them clearly hadn't watched it weekly for years. If Simon Cowell does buy the format you do wonder what sort of updates he will make to the format. Maybe a phone-in vote at the end of the week for an unsigned band to appear live the following week would be in keeping with Simon's remit to seemingly unearth new talent everywhere he goes.

* Or whatever night they choose.


Jock Coats said...

Simon Cowell, unearth "new talent"? That might be an interesting show!


Stephen Glenn said...

What you mean the world isn't ready for the Zig and Zag, Teletubbies or Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?

Mr Coates surely we need more of this talent spotting talent.

Anonymous said...

Typical ITV! Can't come up with their own ideas, so nick the BBCs

Plus, ITV did have a version of TOTP in CD:UK. And that was actually better (if you were part of my generation at least)


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