Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Is This the Sign of a Blogging Crunch?


First one of Scottish Labour's bloggers has to hand back his red boxes and now another has packed her blog off to the the great server in the sky. Yes Jeff has rather sadly broken the news to the Scottish Blogosphere and beyond that Kezia Dugdale has hung up her blog.

Indeed sadly she has also turned her blog readership off from open to readers only which means I'll apologise in advance for all the broken links that has created in my own writing, as I'm not about to go and disable them or look them up in Google's cache to relink them.

It was only on Sunday that the Sunday Times quoted her a couple of weeks late. And while I know sitting at number 11 in the Total Politics Guide to Political Blogging for this year is incentive for me to get into the top ten next year I'd far rather do it on merit that by the disappearance of others even if unlike Mrs T they are for turning.

So farewell Kez. Adieu maybe but hopefully you won't become totally a stranger to the Blogosphere.

When I also look at the number of Lib Dem bloggers who are, or whop have recently gone through a bloggers block, when times are politically and economically stirring I wonder just what is going on. Although having taken a rather long cruise, for lunch, in the office of my own blog head office, I can fully appreciate the need sometimes to get away.

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