Sunday, October 26, 2008

Gordon Brown Rain God

So Gordon Brown finally arrives in Glenrothes yesterday and brings doom and gloom with him, that is just the weather*. Apparently he was also spotted with that must have accessory this season his armed secret service detail. Sadly my informant couldn't get close enough to see if they were double-0s and therefore licenced to use deadly force.

So what does the Prime Minster, defending a majority of 13,507 in the constituency do. Only two thirds of the work of his wife earlier in the week, that's what. Yes Gordon met a whole 6 voters, all Labour supporters. Seeing as he also met them in the cafe next to Labour HQ he did even less work that his wife who actually had to walk to her nine Labour supporters front doors in Cardenden.

So the Brown family input to this election so far is to have talked to 15 people who are already firmly in the Labour columns on canvass returns. Wow, no wonder the new Scottish Secretary is claiming that Labour are underdogs if this by election if this is the sort of workload that the Labour campaign machine can manage out of their big hitters.

One does wonder just who is charge of the Labour machine up there in Glenrothes.

*This blogger spent 4 hours out in that rain. But personally delivered about 800 leaflets in that time.

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