You will shortly, if not already, be in receipt of your ballot paper for the election of the President of the Party. This is one of only two posts in the party that every member nationwide has a vote in the other being that of party leader so you vote does matter.
I'm backing Baroness Ros Scott and I'm not alone many of our best people are supporting her too. Vince Cable our economic expert, Chris Huhne who stood for the leadership the last two times, former Leader Paddy Ashdown, Shirley Williams and the man who did the job before Simon Hughes, Navnit Dholakia plus many, many more.
Some common thread seems to resonate with all the supporters who have given reasons for their support which echo my own reasons for backing her. She is going to commit to this role 100%, some she can do from the security of a seat in the upper house. She has the experience at all levels of our party and is going to use that to support the party from the grass roots up to the parliamentarians and leader. Also she is willing to use the role to act as a conduit between the membership and our elected representatives.
As her support at Scottish Conference was home based not imported like her main opponent she really has got a groundswell of support in her favour across the country.
She is by far the person best suited for the role as so many others are saying. If you haven't already visit her site and find out more.
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