Monday, September 22, 2008

Who is Going Run to Rack and Ruin?

Last week Mr Roy was dropped from the Labour Glenrothes campaign team. No not the candidate Lindsay Roy but Frank Roy who was part of the Glasgow East campaign team, because in the parlance of post-wall Germany the Eastees didn't want a Westee ruining running this campaign, so that Mr Roy is off enjoying a holiday in the USA. Apparently Nigel Griffiths MP, he with the 404 seat majority in Edinburgh South, had stepped in to head up the campaign. Only for the Scotsman today to report that Gordon Banks MO for Ochil and South Perthshire is actually now running ruining things for Labour.

However, it is bad news when even Gordon Brown's former treasury spin doctor Charlie Whelan admits that telephone canvassing of Unite union members in the constituency showed a critical number were thinking of supporting the SNP. Ouch! Not much spinning going on there Mr Whelan.

On the plus note Gordon can look at the fact that his is pegging back David Cameron's Tories in the Independent on Sunday poll although he will have to think Nick Clegg for a lot of the pulling back from the 21 point to 12 point lead. The Tories are down 7 to 39% but only 2% of that has gone to Labour now on 27 with 5% going to the Lib Dems up at 21 despite having a conference overshadowed by looming financial meltdown. So maybe the message that has only started to come out of the Liberal Democrats could yet have an impact on the voters in Glenrothes. There is time, like in Dunfermline and West Fife, to get a good positive message out there. After all we were apparently on 12% only last weekend in a different poll keep that sort of increase up it will be over 50% by the end of October.

Also 47% did not think David Miliband would make a better PM than Gordon Brown which may be while Miliband is moving to end leadership talk for now.

1 comment:

Jess The Dog said...

The telephone canvassing story was doing the rounds at the time of Peter Grant's selection last month....some Unite members must be sympathisers!


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