Monday, September 01, 2008

Just What Does it Take...? get thrown out of the SNP.

As obviously firing off a Kalashnikov rifle in a politically sensitive area of the world is not enough. Whatever may be the practice of Pakistani citizens in the summer of 2005 when Jahangir Hanif, not yet a councillor but already seeking to be elected in Scotland having stood in that May's General Election, was filmed firing the rifle at a training base in the country. Surely he would have known then just what sort of image of a politician of Pakistani descent that would convey to voters, for most people seeking public office that would be enough to put them off doing, and especially being filmed doing such an activity.

As it he is only to be suspended for 2 months from the party which includes having his page wiped clean on the Nat's website.

1 comment:

Jennie Rigg said...

I stand by my comment I made when Mark Pack posted about this at LDV: I'm a Liberal, and I don't understand why people are insisting this guy gets punished for doing something perfectly legal and which harmed nobody.


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