Monday, September 15, 2008

By Election Deja Vu

On Saturday I'd just returned from delivering resident surveys back at the Lib Dem by election HQ in Markinch just as the Lib Dem conference was getting under way on Saturday afternoon. It really was a case of heavy deja vu when I looked around some of the personnel in the office as both Charles Dundas who'd been the candidate then and Caron where there as well, of course they passed the comment that my delegates page sat on the notice board all through the 2005 conference and stayed up until the end of the campaign. As I don't have one for Bournemouth this time I can't replicate the scene.

However, that wasn't the only case of deja vu at the weekend. It is possible if you arrive by train to avoid the SNP HQ on your way to the Lib Dem's one. Or if like me you get offloaded in Glenrothes on the way up with bundles to delivery first of all. However, it is pretty hard to bypass the second used-car showroom HQ on the bounce by the Nats as you have to go anywhere other than Markinch to do any work. Admittedly this car dealership is rather smaller than the one they acquired for Glasgow East but it also seemed to have less people hanging around it every time I had to come past it at the weekend as well. Of course part of this may be down to the fact that we're still waiting to find out just when the election will be held so I'll keep an eye on it over the coming weekends.

Of course if it isn't attending conference you end up sacrificing for these things it is other things like watching you team lose at football but still remaining top of the league. Think I actually got the better end of that sacrifice for this weekend at least.

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