Tuesday, July 29, 2008

If Only the Economy Were a Game of Golf

image from The Times

Well there have long been concerns about the black holes in the SNP's budget, especially as their leader is an Economics graduate from St. Andrews. Well we now know why that isn't such a good recommendation as yesterday the First Minister himself said, "I was a student here at St. Andrews. I spent a great deal more time studying golf than economics."

Well that may have been £40 over 4 years idly spent but what does it mean for our economy. If like the Old Course we'll be constantly buffeted by the wind and go from bunker to bunker (as my mother says the best way to see a golf course) before facing a tough putt over an uneven surface to hole out we'd be fine; or so it would seem. However, the First Minster plays off 18 so we have to handicap him a shot per hole, which may be fine in golf but not advisable in economics where there are no gimmes.

One does however wonder what the Nats handicap would be in Economics as they seem to want to play on a different course than that set out by the tournament committee. Instead of playing on the old course they seem to want to play on Jubilee or maybe even are trying to play on the Castle Course before it is ready and cleared for play.

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