Saturday, December 15, 2007

People in Glass Houses Shouldn't Push so Hard for Golf Courses

Before I post the rest of this I'd like to point out two things.

1. In most committees should a vote be tied the Chairman's casting vote is normally cast to maintain the status quo and not to effect change.

2. Also local representatives on planning committess have always been left free to vote as they see fit on each local decision, and any hint of bullying or bribing a decision is usually investigated fully.

So now we get to the crux of the matter. The SNP are accusing someone else of sleaze over a issue they are far from clean on. The Scottish press seem to be letting them get away with their own misdemeanors The Herald is quiet and the Scotsman after initially pointed it out ran a balance piece today which is laughable, Trump as the new Carnegie don't make me laugh.

Somehow on Monday Alex Salmond met with a certain American Billionaire, who starred in the US version of a show fronted here by Alan Sugar, before 24 hours later one of his cabinet, alledgedly without his knowledge, called in said billionaires planning application for review at Holyrood. Now either Alex Salmond has far more developed Alzheimers than Terry Pratchett or he really does believe he has inherited the moniker of Teflon off the early Tony Blair years.

Apparently the accusation is that Nicol Stephen has accussed a senior civil servant of lacking integrity because he called the chief executive of Council where the planning issue was overturned while representatives of the Billioniare's where in the room with the civil servant. The minister who made the decision to call in the plan for review had been at a similar development by the Billionarie in America 48 hours before the announcement on Tuesday, and only the day before his boss met with the Billionaire himself.

There are two many links between the largest party in Holyrood and this organisation to make me content to expect the environmental concerns to be looked at with the same serious as the local council planning copmmittee. A committee which told the Billionaire this area needed to be addressed and if done so his application could be re-issued for thier approval.

Sadly one side is trying to prove they can bring investment to this country early in their administration, as they look to push for independence. Sadly they seem to be wanting to do so against the concerns of the nation they have been given custody of to look after.

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